Critical Reflection (1c)

Module learning:

In my self-introduction, I mentioned my struggle with oral presentations due to a fear of making mistakes visible to others. Initially, I aimed to participate more actively in class discussions but found myself still held back by this fear, leading me to remain reserved and quiet. I'm also a little upset that I have frozen up during presentations yet again. However, I have noticed improvements in my ability to present without relying heavily on scripts and to engage the audience with informative content. I have also improved in my ability to answers questions during Q&A after thorough brainstorming on potential questions and intensive research on the topic to prepare myself. Engaging in reading aloud and using my voice more frequently has contributed to my improvement of  my pronunciation and pacing of my speech. This practice has also had a positive impact on my confidence level.

I find writing quite challenging, especially at the beginning. Having peer evaluation in class was really helpful as both the giver and receiver. Since the people who reads my reports might not have prior knowledge of the topic I chose, gaining their feedback to whether they can understand me is a good indicator that I've done well. To write a constructive feedback, I'll have to understand other people's writing which requires me to read multiple times to look for the structure and flow and the provided criteria rubrics break down what I need to look out for and to apply that into my writing. Additionally, having readily available sources has helped me greatly in my writing process.

Through writing several drafts and implementing what I've learned, I've come to recognise certain patterns in my writing. I tend to either go off track or overload paragraphs with excessive information, and I struggle with transitioning smoothly between topics. This lack of cohesion can disrupt the flow of my writing and leave readers feeling confused.

Project learning:

Discovering that I would be collaborating on this project with familiar faces and individuals I've previously interacted with brought a sense of relief. However, despite our existing friendships, I harbored some concerns about how our teamwork would unfold, given that we had never worked together before. Initially, we encountered challenges in finding our rhythm and encountered difficulties in the decision-making processes. Given my prior extensive research on the topic, I provided my teammates with a brief overview of RFID before delving into the details. Balancing the demands of the project alongside other ongoing tests and reports proved to be a tough endeavor. Nevertheless, we persevered by maintaining open communication through Telegram and Discord calls, ultimately overcoming obstacles and successfully navigating through the project. We'll share any leads we come across in our research in the group chat, allowing everyone to read and decide whether to incorporate them into the report or simply use them to enhance their understanding of what RFID can offer.

Peer evaluation remained crucial in our improvement journey, particularly concerning oral presentations. The mock presentation served as a valuable practice ground, enabling us to experiment with different approaches, refine our script, and determine an optimal pace. Gathering feedback from the reviewing team provided valuable insights into how our presentation was perceived and allowed us to empathize with the audience's experience, guiding us in enhancing our own delivery. We discovered that keeping our slides concise and straightforward was the most effective approach. Moreover, observing the presentations of other teams exposed us to additional information we may have overlooked, enriching our understanding of the topic. Effective communication within the team was important, as it allowed us to comprehend each team member's responsibilities and contributions. Moreover, it provided us with the opportunity to offer assistance by suggesting potential additions to their slides or script.

This module has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of both my strengths and weaknesses, while also facilitating their improvement. Through this experience, I've developed greater confidence in both my writing and presentation skills. I am truly appreciative of Professor Blackstone's teaching approach, which was engaging and enjoyable throughout every lesson.


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